Write For Us

Write For Us

Join Our Team of Writers

LatestCryptoInfo is always ready to expand its team of writers so if you have extra time on your hands and want to create excellent content about cryptocurrencies, feel free to contact us. We are in search of dedicated and responsible content producers who will ensure our target audience receives the accurate information they can use.

What kind of information do we offer?

At LatestCryptoInfo, our content spans various topics, including:

Your input is certainly welcome when you can give recommendations that are practical and relevant in the areas above!

What We Accept

If you think you have something to say on any of these topics, go ahead and write them up! If your manuscript does not fit in these categories, that really means it should not be published on the site.

Choose Your Own Topic

You are welcome to select the topic of your interest and one from the field in which you have extensive knowledge. Regarding our correspondence, it is important to point out that we do not reply to emails requesting article topic suggestions/ approval. The topic choice is yours!

Crafting an Engaging Title

Given the amount of information available on the net, your title has to capture your readers’ attention. That, in turn, looks at the audience’s needs—what are they seeking to gain from the article when they read it?

Believe it or not, their interest is easily grabbed by a well-thought-out title!

Originality is Key

You must only submit materials that have not been published in any other company, organization, or newspaper. Each time you submit an article to LatestCryptoInfo and the article is accepted and published on the website, the same content cannot be posted on any other site except when and if you are authorized by LatestCryptoInfo.

How to Submit Your Article

Please email your submission to info@latestcryptoinfo.com, and follow these guidelines:

Article Title: Select an interesting title.

Headings: Organize your material using Headings: H1, H2, H3, H4.

Multimedia: Any photographs or videos (in JPG format) related to your content should be uploaded.

Word Count: No article should be less than 1,000 words.

Bio: The bio should be 200-250 characters, while the photo must not be older than six months.

Links: Promote your website and your social profiles.

Plagiarism: To ensure the credibility of the articles used all articles will be subjected to plagiarism check. We only accept original work.

AI-generated content: We do not accept AI-generated content. We only accept 100% human-written, helpful, and authentic content to ensure quality and reliability.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting your article, you agree to the following:

  • Modifications: Although the content may need to be edited internal links may be introduced.
  • No Guarantee: Annually and quarterly, a number of accepted manuscripts are set aside because the publication of articles is not guaranteed.
  • Rights: After the article is sent to LatestCryptoInfo, all rights to it, including biography information and the related link, are recognized by the site.
  • Exclusivity: The articles published on our site cannot be printed or placed on any other site.

It is a requirement that we retain the right to alter the rules of guest posting at any time without documentation of such change.